I'm a 3x Microsoft MVP

I'm extremely grateful and proud to share that I’ve been awarded Microsoft MVP for the 3rd time in my career. Thanks Microsoft for this honorable recognition and this amazing community. Also congratulations to all you new and renewed MVPs out there!…

I’m speaker at Dev Day on Machine Learning and Azure AI Studio

I’m happy to announce that I will be speaking at Dev Day Gothenburg. I’ll be hosting a session on Machine Learning with ML.NET and SLM (Small Language Models) with a workshop on Azure AI Studio based on my tutorial on the same topic.…

Get started with OpenAI in Azure AI Studio

About two weeks ago, at the Microsoft Build 2024 Developers Conference in Seattle, Azure AI Studio was made generally available after being in preview since November 2023. In this blog post I will guide you through getting started with Azure AI Studio and demonstrate how to send a prompt to a GPT model using the OpenAI API.…

ML.NET Lightning Talk Gothenburg

Last week, I had the opportunity to host a Lightning Talk at Knowit Experience Gothenburg, introducing the team to the basics of ML.NET and how to get started with machine learning.…

Machine Learning for .NET Developers: How to build your own AI using ML.NET

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we develop applications. As a .NET developer, you can use ML.NET from Microsoft to integrate machine learning (ML) into your .NET applications. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through creating a simple AI application using ML.NET in less than 5 minutes.…

Microsoft MVP Award: Unboxing!

Better late than never I guess. The other day it dawned on me that I’m actually a Microsoft MVP. Like for real!…

I'm a Microsoft MVP 2022!

Last week I opened my email and got a very pleasant surprise: I've been awarded Microsoft MVP 2022!…