Google just introduced a brand new (experimental) feature called ‘Content Ideas’ so you’ll never run out of inspiration!

Finding inspiration is hard! I’ve been doing this blogging thing now for little over two years averaging around one article per week. Like most people who start a blog I started out with a backlog full of topics and ideas for future articles and my biggest challenge was being patient enough and not releasing them all at once.
-"Lately I've been having problems finding good inspiration and I'm running out of ideas."
But if I’m being honest, lately I’ve been having problems finding good inspiration and my topic backlog is running low since I’ve covered most of them in previous articles. That’s why I got super excited yesterday when I received an email from Google with the topic:
Introducing "Content ideas": Get inspiration for new content from Google.
This is a brand new feature in Google Search Console (available to a selected few) where you get topic ideas based on Google Search queries that are specific to your website.
You find it by logging in to Google Search Console and hopefully if you are amongst the selected properties (this is probably where I will lose 90% of you since you will run to your Google Search account to see if you are selected) its available right after the 'Overview' tab.
Based on the content of your website Google have figured out which topics you are usually writing about, in my case Kubernetes, Unit Testing, NUnit, Azure DevOps, Moq etc and present you with a bunch of ideas for future articles on these topics (the screenshot only shows top selections, by clicking “More ideas” you get a ton of more suggestions).
-"Google have figured out which topics you are usually writing about and present you with a bunch of ideas for future articles related to these topics"
Here are some of the suggestions I got for my blog (some of which I’ve already covered, I’ll make sure to link them):
- How do you start a kubernetes cluster?
- What are the notable features of Kubernetes?
- How do I restart a kubernetes deployment?
- Unit tests not running in Visual Studio.
- How to do Nunit testing in C#?
- How to handle exception in Nunit C#?
- How do you write a unit test private method?
- How to mock parameters using MOQ C#?
- How do I push to the Azure Devops repository?
- How do you make a Yaml release pipeline Azure Devops?
- And so on..
Up until recently I’ve been using Google Trends which is another great tool for finding trending topics as a source of inspiration based on search keywords and interest over time.
I also recommend Google Search Console Insights which is another great tool for inspiration since you can see which keywords and queries people are interested about and how they are finding you today. But this new feature ‘Content Ideas’ is going to help so much since it is a lot more specific to my site and with full sentence suggestions. I feel inspired already!
As I mentioned in the introduction, this is an experimental feature and Google is known for releasing and scrapping products and features at any time (check out to see the Google Products Graveyard) and in the email I received it says clearly that this feature is only available until March 28, 2023 so if I were you I would go in and save a handful of topics in a separate document in case this feature all of a sudden disappears (I know I will).
Catch it while you can!
Cheers friends! ❤️