Elmah.io Lightning Talk

I recently had the pleasure of hosting a Lightning Talk at Knowit Experience in Gothenburg, where we dove into the world of logging tools with focus on elmah.io

-"elmah.io is the easy error logging and uptime monitoring service for .NET. Take back control of your errors with support for all .NET web and logging frameworks."

The discussions afterwards were engaging, covering a wide array of topics around logging and error handling. elmah.io was at the center of our conversations, and I was thrilled to observe the genuine interest in exploring this solution further. 

15 attendees showed up and they seemed enthusiastic about elmah.io being a cost-effective alternative that could enhance our offerings to clients. A big thank you to everyone who showed up and thanks to elmah.io for a great service! 

Cheers friends! ❤️

Lightning Talk vs Sprinkler Meetup? At Knowit we call these kinds of short talks “Sprinklers” as it “sprinkles knowledge in the organization”. It’s such a well established term here that it never occured to me that others outside of the organization might be confused, until one of our British partners asked me if I was hosting a talk about fire extinguisher sprinklers. 👩🏻‍🚒 So going forward I will use the term Lightning Talk on this blog to avoid confusion, since it seems to be a more widely used industry term.